Why do I want to do Photography?

When I was about 13, my dad got made redundant from the biggest organisation he had ever worked for. He had been at the company for around 5 years and accepted redundancy. Instead of his usual redundancy pay, he was given a camera, a Nikon D60 with an 18-55mm and 55-200mm lens. For my dad, he thought it was great fun to take family photos every now and then but had no real interest whatsoever in taking up Photography, making this piece of equipment, in his words, 'far too techy' for him. He, therefore, lent it to me to see what I could achieve with it. As soon as I was given the camera, I was mesmerised. It was a permanent fixture in my bag, following me everywhere I went.

At GCSE level, Photography wasn't an option for me, however, when it came to A-Levels, it was. I at this point hadn't thought of Photography as a career and therefore decided to study French instead. Seeing what other class members had been learning about in Photography made me want to change subjects instantly. After a long battle with the deputy head teacher of the school, as well as bunking the French lessons in order to attend the Photography ones, he allowed me to swap subjects. From this day onwards, I knew that photography was my career prospect.

Now, there are many different types of Photography, but for me, Travel Photography is where my passion lies. The likes of Murad Osmann have inspired me so much so that it is where my full focus lies, but this doesn't prevent me from dabbling in different types of photography, for example in August 2016 I had my first paid event following one I did voluntarily the month before. In Bath, I have a fair amount of connections with Travel Photography and will bounce off of their experience, understudying them abroad and reinforcing my dream of being paid to do so.

So in a nutshell, no, it wasn't always my goal to be a Photographer, but it sure as hell is now.